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JTM Outreach Ministry Overview

Over the years, JTM has dedicated itself to outreach ministry in various capacities, including partnering on global projects, street evangelism, and virtual outreach.


Building Bridges through Education

Inspired by Daniel 1:17, this project emphasizes the lack of educational opportunities for oppressed believers. Each Christian does not have the opportunity to go to school, leaving children and adults uneducated and with poor employment opportunities. 

Goal: Build schools and supply educational materials in Pakistan to offer free education to children and adults.

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Grace to be Esther

Inspired by the story of Esther, this project emphasizes beauty, dignity, and grace despite challenges. Esther's story exemplifies inner beauty, dignity, and strength amidst adversity. Through this program, women are reminded of their inherent worth and encouraged to embody these qualities, fostering a positive self-image and resilience. Esther 2:2-3

Goal: Provide hygienic products to women and girls suffering from homelessness and needing restoration.

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Building Boaz

Inspired by the character of Boaz while focusing on supporting men who have been broken and need rebuilding. Boaz was known for his integrity, wisdom, and honor. By building men to be like Boaz, we create role models who demonstrate these virtues in their communities, leading by example and inspiring others to uphold similar values. Ruth 2:1

Goal: Provide hygienic products to men and boys suffering from homelessness and in need of restoration.

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Location: Aweil, South Sudan

Project: Provide chairs for local church congregants to comfortably attend services.


During a mission trip to Aweil, Apostle Jivel witnessed an extraordinary display of passion for Christ. The people, eager to hear the Word of God, sat on logs and even climbed trees to attend the church service. Despite the scorching heat, their dedication was unwavering. These devoted individuals braved the challenges, demonstrating their deep commitment to their faith.


Location: Aweil, South Sudan

Project: Ensure the community has a latrine to help promote better hygiene and healthier lives.


While preparing to speak at a church in Aweil, Apostle Jivel noticed that the only restroom available was a handmade screen of straw. Recognizing the urgent need for improved hygiene facilities, JTM partnered with the church to fulfill its dream of building a proper latrine for the entire community. Today, the community boasts a safe and spacious latrine, significantly promoting healthier living conditions for everyone.


Location: Lahore, Pakistan

Project: Distribute Bibles in Urdu to new converts, promoting spiritual growth.


In some countries, becoming a Christian is fraught with challenges. New believers often struggle to find Bibles in Urdu and to get assistance in reading them. Despite the dangers and obstacles, these converts are eager to know Jesus through His Word. JTM has been instrumental in supplying Bibles to people across the globe, helping them grow in their faith.


Location: Lahore, Pakistan

Project: Provide food to low-income communities to alleviate hunger and provide educational tools to children in need.


Despite Pakistan's abundance of farms, fruits, and various foods, some small villages struggle to feed their families. Partnering with local pastors to provide aid has been both rewarding and phenomenal, making a significant impact on these communities' spiritual walk with Jesus and growth. 


Location: Kampala, Jinja, and Buikwe in Uganda

Project: Provide clothing, hygiene items, gifts, and mattresses to orphaned children and low-income families.


The smiles on these beautiful faces warm the heart. JTM provided multiple items to children the the orphanages in Uganda, giving them hope and excitement while understanding the love of Jesus.


Location: Kampala, Jinja, and Buikwe in Uganda

Project: Distrubt sports Equipment including soccer balls, bags, and pumps. 


A simple yet joyful request from children at orphanages touched our hearts. Most of these children lived in small villages with little hope, lacking even good quality balls for play. Despite their challenging circumstances and spiritual attacks aimed at hindering their salvation, several Ugandan children joyfully gave their lives to Christ.

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Location: Various communities in different states including Texas, Illinois, and Mississippi

Project: Provide meals, bibles, clothing, and resource information through street evangelism.


Although America is considered a Western world country, people are still on the streets who have fallen on hard times, prostitution, abandonment, or drugs. Through street evangelism, we're able to show them the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. 

Some of our other Outreach Efforts

Street Evangelism
Impacting U.S. communities through street evangelism, special events, and outreach activities.
Focus: Offering hope to the homeless, prostitutes, addicts, and those feeling lost by sharing Christ's love.


International and Domestic Conferences
Reaching people worldwide with the Gospel through conferences.
Impact: Changing lives with sound doctrine and the message of hope.


Social Media Presence
Engaging a global audience through encouragement, prophetic insight, spiritual and practical growth tools, and prayer for healing and deliverance.


Global Prayer
Offering prayer sessions for unbelievers, believers, and Christian leaders in need of a prayer partner, healing, and deliverance.

Your support and partnership are crucial to continuing these impactful outreach efforts. During the journey, we can make a difference in the lives of many.

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Jivel Tousand Ministries extends heartfelt gratitude for your past and present support. Your contributions are vital in fulfilling our mission to spread the Gospel and impact lives. As it is written in 2 Corinthians 9:7, ‘Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.Your generosity empowers us to make a tangible difference in the world. Thank you for being a part of our ministry.


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